

18 abr/2017

History of the Sciences and Health 


Ana Teresa Acatauassú Venâncio

PhD in Social Anthropology (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ, 1998)
Department of Research in the History of the Sciences and Health
Professor, Graduate Program in the History of the Sciences and Health
Professor, Professional Master’s Program in the Preservation and Management of Cultural Heritage in the Sciences and Health

Research interests: history of psychiatry, mental hygiene, and mental illness; anthropology of health and disease

Lattes résumé

André Felipe

André Felipe Cândido da Silva<!–
(21) 3882-908–>

PhD in the History of the Sciences and Health (Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/Fiocruz, 2011)
Department of Research in the History of the Sciences and Health
Science editor, História, Ciências, Saúde – Manguinhos
Professor, Graduate Program in the History of the Sciences and Health

Research interests: history of medicine and the life sciences in the 20th century; history of tropical medicine; history of scientific relations between Brazil and Germany; history of environmental knowledge; history of agricultural research

Lattes résumé

Anna Beatriz 

Anna Beatriz de Sá Almeida
+ 55 (21) 3882-9086

PhD in History (Fluminense Federal University – UFF, 2004)
Department of Research in the History of the Sciences and Health

Research interests: history of: public health, psychiatry, tuberculosis, and occupational medicine

Lattes résumé 

Carlos Fidelis

Carlos Fidelis da Ponte
+ 55 (21) 3882-9216

PhD in Public Policy, Strategies, and Development (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ, 2012)
Department of Research in the History of the Sciences and Health
Professor, Graduate Program in the History of the Sciences and Health

Research interests: history of psychoanalysis; sociology of professions; technology transfer; technological development

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Carlos Henrique

Carlos Henrique Paiva
+ 55 (21) 3882-9040

PhD in Collective Health (Rio de Janeiro State University – UERJ, 2004)
Department of Research in the History of the Sciences and Health
Assistant Coordinator of the History and Health Observatory

Research interests: history of public health, international health, and diplomacy; human resource training in health

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Cristiana Facchinetti
+ 55 (21) 3882-9079

PhD in Psychoanalytic Theory (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ, 2001)
Department of Research in the History of the Sciences and Health
Professor, Graduate Program in the History of the Sciences and Health

Research interests: history of psychiatry, psychoanalysis, and psychology; psychopathology, art, culture, and subjectivities

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Cristina Maria Oliveira Fonseca
+ 55 (21) 3882-9086

PhD in Political Science (University Research Institute of Rio de Janeiro – IUPERJ, 2005)
Department of Research in the History of the Sciences and Health

Research interests: history of public health in Brazil; public policy in Brazil; institutional history

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Dilene Raimundo do Nascimento
+ 55 (21) 3882-9168

PhD in History (Fluminense Federal University – UFF, 1999)
Department of Research in the History of the Sciences and Health
Professor, Graduate Program in the History of the Sciences and Health

Research interests: history of medicine; social representation of disease; health conditions in the working class

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Dominichi Miranda de Sá
+ 55 (21) 3882-9079

PhD in History (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ, 2003)
Department of Research in the History of the Sciences and Health
Professor, Graduate Program in the History of the Sciences and Health

Research interests: scientific voyages and knowledge of the Brazilian territory in 20th-century Brazil; history of the conservation and preservation of nature in the 20th century; intellectual history; environmental history

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Fernando Antônio Pires-Alves
+ 55 (21) 3882-9230

PhD in the History of the Sciences and Health (Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/Fiocruz, 2011)
Department of Research in the History of the Sciences and Health
Coordinator of the History and Health Observatory

Research interests: management of historical information sources in science and technology and in health; history and memory of the development of human resources in health in Brazil and Latin America

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Fernando Dumas

Fernando Sérgio Dumas dos Santos​
+ 55 (21) 3882-9036

PhD in History (University of Campinas – Unicamp, 2010)
Department of Research in the History of the Sciences and Health

Research interests: folk treatments and the use of medicinal plants; history of disease

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Flavio Coelho Edler
+ 55 (21) 3882-9082

PhD in Collective Health (Rio de Janeiro State University – UERJ, 1999)
Department of Research in the History of the Sciences and Health
Professor, Graduate Program in the History of the Sciences and Health

Research interests: history of clinical and experimental research; disease and social identities; history of medical and psychological knowledge and practices; history of Brazil (19th and 20th centuries)

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Gilberto Hochman
+ 55 (21) 3882-9084

PhD in Political Science (University Research Institute of Rio de Janeiro – IUPERJ, 1996)
Department of Research in the History of the Sciences and Health
Professor, Graduate Program in the History of the Sciences and Health

Research interests: social policies from a historical perspective; global health; history of public health; health, disease, and poverty in Brazilian social thought

Lattes résumé

Jaime Benchimol

Jaime Larry Benchimol
+ 55 (21) 3865-2194

PhD in History (Fluminense Federal University – UFF, 1995)
Department of Research in the History of the Sciences and Health
Professor, Graduate Program in the History of the Sciences and Health

Research interests: history of the life sciences; history of medicine and public health; history of tropical medicine; history of the city of Rio de Janeiro

Lattes résumé


Kaori Kodama Flexor
+ 55 (21) 3882-9079

PhD in the Social History of Culture (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro – PUC-Rio, 2005)
Department of Research in the History of the Sciences and Health
Professor, Graduate Program in the History of the Sciences and Health
Professor, Master’s Program in the Public Communication of Science, Technology, and Health

Research interests: history and historiography of Imperial Brazil; history of Japanese immigration; disease and healing practices among slaves

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Lorelai Brilhante Kury
+ 55 (21) 3882-9085

PhD in History (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, France, 1995)
Department of Research in the History of the Sciences and Health
Professor, Graduate Program in the History of the Sciences and Health

Research interests: history of medicine; Imperial Academy of Medicine; voyages and natural history in the 18th and 19th centuries; scientific iconography

Lattes résumé

Luiz Antônio

Luiz Antonio da Silva Teixeira
+ 55 (21) 3882-9082

PhD in Social History (University of São Paulo – USP, 2001)
Department of Research in the History of the Sciences and Health
Professor, Graduate Program in the History of the Sciences and Health

Research interests: history of collective health; cancer control in Brazil; professional life histories in health

Lattes résumé

Luis Otávio

Luiz Otávio Ferreira
+ 55 (21) 3882-9070

PhD in History (University of São Paulo – USP, 1996)
Department of Research in the History of the Sciences and Health
Professor, Graduate Program in the History of the Sciences and Health

Research interests: the 19th-century institutionalization of medicine in Brazil; biotechnology in health in Brazil; social assistance, philanthropy, and health professions

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Sem foto

Magali Romero Sá
+ 55 (21) 3865-2272

PhD in History and the Philosophy of Science (University of Durham, UK, 1996)
Department of Research in the History of the Sciences and Health
Professor, Graduate Program in the History of the Sciences and Health

Research interests: history of tropical medicine in Brazil; international scientific relations; history of biomedical science; scientific voyages

Lattes résumé


Marcos Chor Maio
+ 55 (21) 3882-9084

PhD in Political Science (University Research Institute of Rio de Janeiro – IUPERJ, 1997)
Department of Research in the History of the Sciences and Health
Professor, Graduate Program in the History of the Sciences and Health

Research interests: history of the social sciences in Brazil; race, science, and health in Brazilian social thought; international organizations and national policies

Currículo Lattes


Marcus Cueto Caballero
+ 55 (21) 3865-2194

PhD in History (Columbia University, USA, 1988)
Science editor, História, Ciências, Saúde, – Manguinhos
Professor, Graduate Program in the History of the Sciences and Health

Research interests: history of health in contemporary Latin America; history of malaria; history of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)

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Maria Rachel de Gomensoro Fróes da Fonseca
+ 55 (21) 3882-9084

PhD in Social History (University of São Paulo – USP, 1996)
Department of Research in the History of the Sciences and Health
Professor, Graduate Program in the History of the Sciences and Health

Research interests: history of health policies, institutions, and professions; medical teaching; economic history of Brazil

Lattes résumé


Nara Azevedo
+ 55 (21) 3882-9084

PhD in Sociology (University Research Institute of Rio de Janeiro – IUPERJ, 2000)
Department of Research in the History of the Sciences and Health
Professor, Graduate Program in the History of the Sciences and Health

Research interests: history of the biomedical sciences; institutionalization of the sciences and research traditions in Brazil; scientific and technological policy in Brazil; gender and science

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Nísia Trindade Lima
+ 55 (21) 3885-1659

PhD in Sociology (University Research Institute of Rio de Janeiro – IUPERJ, 1997)
President, Fiocruz
Professor, Graduate Program in the History of the Sciences and Health

Research interests: science and social thought in Brazil; history of ideas in public health; the sertão in Brazilian thought and Nation-State building

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Robert Wegner
+ 55 (21) 3882-9084

PhD in Sociology (University Research Institute of Rio de Janeiro – IUPERJ, 1999)
Department of Research in the History of the Sciences and Health
Professor, Graduate Program in the History of the Sciences and Health

Research interests: social thought in Brazil; eugenics; history, culture, and scientific thought

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Rômulo de Paula Andrade<!–
(21) 3882-9084 –>

PhD in the History of the Sciences and Health (Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/Fiocruz, 2012)
Department of Research in the History of the Sciences and Health

Research interests: history of Republican Brazil; history of medicine and disease; history of public health policy; history of the Amazon

Lattes résumé


Simone Petraglia Kropf
+ 55 (21) 3882-9084

PhD in History (Fluminense Federal University/UFF, 2006)
Department of Research in the History of the Sciences and Health
Professor, Graduate Program in the History of the Sciences and Health

Research interests: history of the biomedical sciences; history of tropical medicine; history of Chagas’s disease; history of cardiology in Brazil

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Tamara Rangel Vieira

PhD in the History of the Sciences and Health (Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/Fiocruz, 2012)
Department of Research in the History of the Sciences and Health
Professor, Graduate Program in the History of the Sciences and Health

Research interests: history of medicine and public health in Brazil (20th century); institutionalization of science in Brazil (20th century); nation-region relations; Brazilian social thought

Lattes résumé

Tânia Fernandes

Tania Maria Dias Fernandes
+ 55 (21) 3882-9079

PhD in Social History (University of São Paulo – USP, 2001)
Department of Research in the History of the Sciences and Health
Professor, Graduate Program in the History of the Sciences and Health

Research interests: history of science; history of the smallpox vaccine; history of smallpox eradication; history of scientific knowledge; history of health surveillance; urban history and history of favelas

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Tânia Pimenta

Tânia Salgado Pimenta
+ 55 (21) 3882-9086

PhD in History (University of Campinas – Unicamp, 2003)
Department of Research in the History of the Sciences and Health
Professor, Graduate Program in the History of the Sciences and Health

Research interests: health of slaves; hospitals and health care; health surveillance; folk healing arts; homeopathy; the relation between healthcare providers and the ill

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Architecture, Urban Planning, and Cultural Heritage in Health


Carla Maria Teixeira Coelho
+ 55 (21) 3865-2212

Master’s in Architecture (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ, 2006)
Department of Historical Heritage
Professor, Professional Master’s Program in the Preservation and Management of Cultural Heritage in the Sciences and Health

Research interests: preventive conservation and risk management

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Gisele Porto Sanglard
+ 55 (21) 3865-2264

PhD in the History of the Sciences and Health (Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/Fiocruz, 2005)
Department of Historical Heritage
Professor, Graduate Program in the History of the Sciences and Health
Professor, Professional Master’s Program in the Preservation and Management of Cultural Heritage in the Sciences and Health

Research interests: history of: science, philanthropy, the First Republic, and public health

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Inês El-Jaick Andrade
+ 55 (21) 3865-2212

PhD in Architecture and Urban Planning (University of São Paulo – USP, 2009)
Department of Historical Heritage
Professor, Professional Master’s Program in the Preservation and Management of Cultural Heritage in the Sciences and Health

Research interests: preservation of cultural heritage; urban conservation; historical gardens; historical archaeology

Lattes résumé

Marcos José

Marcos José Araújo Pinheiro
+ 55 (21) 3865-2273

PhD in Industrial Engineering (Coppe/Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ, 2009)
Vice Director’s Office of Information and Cultural Heritage
Professor, Professional Master’s Program in the Preservation and Management of Cultural Heritage in the Sciences and Health

Research interests: cultural heritage; heritage preservation; education, labor, and memory

Currículo Lattes


Renato da Gama-Rosa Costa
+ 55 (21) 3882-2264

PhD in Urban Planning (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ, 2006)
Department of Historical Heritage
Professor, Professional Master’s Program in the Preservation and Management of Cultural Heritage in the Sciences and Health

Research interests: history, architecture, and urban planning in Rio de Janeiro; architecture of health institutions in Brazil and Portugal; history of Manguinhos communities

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Public Communication of Science

Carla Almeida

Carla da Silva Almeida
+ 55 (21) 3865-2155

PhD in Biological Chemistry (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ, 2012)
Museum of Life
Professor, Non-degree Graduate Program in the Public Communication of Science, Technology, and Health
Professor, Master’s Program in the Public Communication of Science, Technology, and Health

Research interests: science journalism; public communication of science; public perception of science

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Diego Bevilaqua
+ 55 (21) 3865-2103

PhD in Physics (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ, 2002)
Museum of Life
Professor, Master’s Program in the Public Communication of Science, Technology, and Health
Professor, Non-degree Graduate Program in the Public Communication of Science, Technology, and Health

Research interests: learning objects at science museums; interactive virtual applications in science teaching; continuing education in science teaching for elementary-school teachers

Lattes résumé


Fábio Castro Gouveia
+ 55 (21) 3865-2103

PhD in Biological Chemistry (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ, 2007)
Museum of Life
Professor, Master’s Program in the Public Communication of Science, Technology, and Health
Professor, Non-degree Graduate Program in the Public Communication of Science, Technology, and Health

Research interests: webmetrics, webometrics, and cybermetrics; health communication material; games, sites, and multimedia resources for the public communication of science

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Luisa Medeiros Massarani
+ 55 (21) 3865-2155

PhD in Bioscience Education, Management, and Diffusion (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ, 2001)
Museum of Life
Professor, Master’s Program in the Public Communication of Science, Technology, and Health

Research interests: historical and contemporary aspects of the public communication of science; public understanding of science; educational film, science, and media

Lattes résumé

Marina Ramalho

Marina Ramalho e Silva
+ 55 (21) 3865-2113

PhD in Bioscience Education, Management, and Diffusion (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ, 2013)
Museum of Life
Professor, Master’s Program in the Public Communication of Science, Technology, and Health
Professor, Non-degree Graduate Program in the Public Communication of Science, Technology, and Health

Research interests: science and media; reception and audience

Lattes résumé


Ozias de Jesus Soares

PhD in Social Sciences (Rio de Janeiro State University – UERJ, 2012)
Museum of Life
Professor, Non-degree Graduate Program in the Public Communication of Science, Technology, and Health

Research interests: non-formal education (museum and education, public research, museum evaluation, social movements, institutions); relations between work and education (education of young and adult workers, public policies, social inequality); didactics and research in education

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Archival Science, Documentation, and Information


Aline Lopes de Lacerda
+ 55 (21) 3882-9137

PhD in Social History (University of São Paulo – USP, 2008)
Department of Archives and Documentation
Professor, Professional Master’s Program in the Preservation and Management of Cultural Heritage in the Sciences and Health

Research interests: visual memory of public health; history and archival science; photography and archives

Lattes résumé

Ana Luce

Ana Luce Girão Soares de Lima
+ 55 (21) 3882-9127

PhD in the History of the Sciences and Health (Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/Fiocruz, 2009)
Department of Archives and Documentation
Professor, Professional Master’s Program in the Preservation and Management of Cultural Heritage in the Sciences and Health

Research interests: history of scientific institutions; scientists’ personal archives; preservation of the memory of the health sciences

Lattes résumé


Laurinda Rosa Maciel
+ 55 (21) 3882-9129

PhD in History (Fluminense Federal University – UFF, 2007)
Department of Archives and Documentation
Professor, Professional Master’s Program in the Preservation and Management of Cultural Heritage in the Sciences and Health

Research interests: history and memory of health; oral history; history of Hansen’s disease (leprosy) in Brazil

Lattes résumé


Paulo Roberto Elian dos Santos
+ 55 (21) 3865-2282

PhD in Social History (University of São Paulo – USP, 2008)
Director, Casa de Oswaldo Cruz
Professor, Professional Master’s Program in the Preservation and Management of Cultural Heritage in the Sciences and Health

Research interests: scientists’ personal archives; management of archives at science, technology, and health institutions; history of archival science in Brazil

Lattes résumé


Ricardo Augusto dos Santos
+ 55 (21) 2590-3690

PhD in History (Fluminense Federal University – UFF, 2008)
Department of Archives and Documentation

Research interests: public health education; history of psychiatry; history of public health; social thought

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Stella Oswaldo Cruz Penido
+ 55 (21) 3882-9129

Master’s in Communication and Culture (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ, 1997)

Research interests: Amazon; indigenous peoples; scientific expeditions; historical scientific films in public health

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