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Non-degree Graduate Program, Extension Courses, and Professional Training

18 abr/2017

Non-degree Graduate Program in the Preservation and Management of Cultural Heritage in the Sciences and Health

The Non-degree Graduate Program in the Preservation and Management of Cultural Heritage in the Sciences and Health prepares professionals for careers as both practitioners and academics. It emphasizes the planning and execution of initiatives aimed at the preservation and management of science and health heritage in the form of architecture and records.

Classes are centered on the conceptual and epistemological differences between history, memory, and heritage and are accompanied by debates on the formulation and application of legal principles and on the directions taken in preservation policies. The program encourages students to explore the concepts of heritage and collections from the perspective of the history of institutions and social actors in the biomedical sciences and health.

Students close out the one-year course by writing a paper on one of the following research topics: history and cultural heritage, the management of records archives, or the preventive conservation of cultural heritage.

For more information, contact secadcoc@fiocruz.br.

Non-degree Graduate Program in the Public Communication of Science, Technology, and Health

The Non-degree Graduate Program in the Public Communication of Science, Technology, and Health prepares professionals for careers as both practitioners and academics. The program is open to museologists, journalists, scientists, educators, sociologists, set designers, cultural producers, and other professionals from the fields of the public communication of science, technology, and health and science popularization. Students close out their one-year course by writing a paper.

For more information, contact secadcoc@fiocruz.br.

Extension courses

The Casa de Oswaldo Cruz offers free extension courses aimed primarily at undergraduate students and professionals holding bachelor’s degrees in the human sciences, applied social sciences, and health sciences. These short courses are taught by faculty from the Casa de Oswaldo Cruz and other Brazilian and foreign research centers and universities.

Courses have included: the History of Medicine, the Architecture of Health in Brazil, Science, Culture, and Society in Brazil, the Conservation of Photographs, and Plans and Methodologies in Preventive Conservation. International extension courses (held simultaneously in Brazil, Portugal, and Cape Verde) have been offered in the History of Tropical Medicine and in the Preservation and Management of Cultural Heritage in the Sciences and Health.

For more information, contact secadcoc@fiocruz.br.

Professional Training in Techniques Used in the Conservation and Restoration of Historical Buildings

The Casa de Oswaldo Cruz offers training courses in the basic technical and operational procedures used in the preservation of architectural heritage. Courses are aimed primarily at residents of communities adjacent to Fiocruz. Techniques have included decorative stucco and mural painting.

The Casa’s continuing education courses target professionals working in the conservation and restoration of the buildings that are part of the historical nucleus at the main Fiocruz campus in Rio de Janeiro.

For more information, contact oem@fiocruz.br.


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